
Global Tech Talent Trends Report 2023 Portugal

The largest community-based tech talent report that sheds light on the current state of tech careers in Portugal. It’s an all-in-one tool that helps tech professionals make more informed career decisions and companies see where they stand.
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The largest community-based tech talent report about Portugal

salary Remote work Relocation Work across borders Programming languages & frameworks Career drivers Perks

Some insights you’ll find inside

  • Full-stack, Back-end and Front-end developers represent roughly half of all developers (52%).
  • The top 4 programming languages are SQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and Python.
  • The Portuguese tech industry is still made up of senior professionals with 9+ years of experience (48%).
  • The biggest career drivers of tech professionals in Portugal are salary & benefits, work-life balance and career progression.
  • Hybrid work is on the rise: 52% hybrid, 42% full remote, 6% office.
  • 22.6% of tech professionals in Portugal are working remotely for a company in another country.
  • 49% of tech professionals don't want to leave Portugal.
  • 24% want to relocate to another continent because of salary and quality of life.
  • Salaries are stabilising with a 4.2% average increase.
  • Contractors earn, on average, 58.1% more than full-time employees.
  • Management roles pay better, and PhDs have solidly increased their average wages.
  • The gender gap: 80% of tech professionals are male, and men earn, on average, 35% more than women.



About our sponsor

Reaktor is a global technology consultancy that designs and builds category-defining digital products and services. They're a team of 700 designers, developers, and strategists with offices in six countries around Europe, North America, and Asia. Reaktor Lisbon opened its doors in 2021.

Want to revisit last year's report (2022)? Download here